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I am on TedX Townsville!


I am truly honoured to have been invited to be a speaker at the inaugural TedX Townsville Event taking place on Saturday 30th May at James Cook University. The theme of the day is “Curiosity” and I will be speaking about “The Magic of Vibrations”.

Vibrations create sounds, sounds make-up music. Music is a conduit between the musician and the listener connecting their worlds beyond words, beyond the physical realm transcending culture, language, gender and religion. As a musician since childhood and drum circle facilitator for the past 20 years I will share my experience of witnessing magic created by vibrations. Through the display of exotic musical instruments from around the world, I will demonstrate how different instruments can evoke emotions, memories or that indefinable feeling of ‘connecting’ with that piece of music or sound.

Unfortunately the live event is sold out however if you’re interested in live streaming the event on Saturday 30 May, whether it be at a home, public venue or corporate venue, register your event at

Alex S.